See here a great use of a sequel. I played the original Follower and it's like night and day to here -- improvements across literally all heuristics. That isn't to say the original wasn't enjoyable because I did enjoy it. But Follower 2 feels more like a finished product. It feels like Xasor went out of their way to study what makes games fun but also what looks presentable. Heck, I don't even make trailers for my games (probably should though lol).
Both Followers have the same formula: You control a bunch of characters at the same time that each perform a different characteristic action when colliding with various goal points, with one catch: some of the characters aren't allowed to touch each other. Movement does not have inertia, so no sliding around. My experience with difficulty in Follower 2 is actually be more akin to a strategy game. You have to learn techniques for getting around the various obstacles put in your path and it is challenging. And in that challenge there is a lot of reward too.
That brings me to the tutorialization. Follower 2 has an offshoot read-me screen which provides basic instruction on goals, mechanics, and some handy shortcuts -- something much appreciated. It doesn't explain every single mechanic in the game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It did leave me with moments where I felt like part of the challenge was just figuring out how the game works, which again is NOT a bad thing, I think it's actually kind of underrated these days. That, however, and another design concept I too fancy, that of completely forgoing any in-game tutorial that actively interrupts the gameplay, does make for a high difficulty floor. That being said, I felt quite engaged as as veteran puzzle game player.
Audiovisually, Follower 2 is a surprise treat! For a game about colored squares it pops in the best way and has quite an atmosphere. Part of that is the music -- don't know who wrote it but it's well-chosen -- which sets sort of a spooky and mysterious stage. Sprites flicker, watching you while on the various pages of the menu. Just enough things move about constantly that the game feels alive and could keep anyone's attention, while also feeling cozy in a sort of Autumnal way. Sound effects are sparse but the ones included are crisp and fit the vibe.
I will also touch on the technical aspects of this release. This game that lives in a Zip file does not set off my virus detectors, a great benchmark. It also seems to lack any discernable bugs, there is nary an error message to be seen, and it runs smooth. It also autosaves, so even if you force quit you don't lose progress. Nice!
Speaking of saving, I haven't beaten the game yet but I'll get back to it if a stroke of inspiration hits me for solving that level where you have to hit 3 green targets.
I'd recommend Follower 2 to any casual puzzle enjoyers, people who enjoy a touch of crypticness, and anyone who is interested in following (hehe) a game designer who is serious about their craft!
thank you so much and 1.1 is being developed right now too which changes the whole game with new levels mechanics customizable skins a new type of level and some real usage for the coins you collect along the way so make sure not to miss that when it drops :)
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super into how the look and feel keeps improving! the shader stuff is inspiring, I've got to learn that myself
its fun but how do you beat the level with the number thing in it
the 1st level with the floating number? You have to bounce it in a zigzag pattern from character to character and make it hit the green switch
See here a great use of a sequel. I played the original Follower and it's like night and day to here -- improvements across literally all heuristics. That isn't to say the original wasn't enjoyable because I did enjoy it. But Follower 2 feels more like a finished product. It feels like Xasor went out of their way to study what makes games fun but also what looks presentable. Heck, I don't even make trailers for my games (probably should though lol).
Both Followers have the same formula: You control a bunch of characters at the same time that each perform a different characteristic action when colliding with various goal points, with one catch: some of the characters aren't allowed to touch each other. Movement does not have inertia, so no sliding around. My experience with difficulty in Follower 2 is actually be more akin to a strategy game. You have to learn techniques for getting around the various obstacles put in your path and it is challenging. And in that challenge there is a lot of reward too.
That brings me to the tutorialization. Follower 2 has an offshoot read-me screen which provides basic instruction on goals, mechanics, and some handy shortcuts -- something much appreciated. It doesn't explain every single mechanic in the game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. It did leave me with moments where I felt like part of the challenge was just figuring out how the game works, which again is NOT a bad thing, I think it's actually kind of underrated these days. That, however, and another design concept I too fancy, that of completely forgoing any in-game tutorial that actively interrupts the gameplay, does make for a high difficulty floor. That being said, I felt quite engaged as as veteran puzzle game player.
Audiovisually, Follower 2 is a surprise treat! For a game about colored squares it pops in the best way and has quite an atmosphere. Part of that is the music -- don't know who wrote it but it's well-chosen -- which sets sort of a spooky and mysterious stage. Sprites flicker, watching you while on the various pages of the menu. Just enough things move about constantly that the game feels alive and could keep anyone's attention, while also feeling cozy in a sort of Autumnal way. Sound effects are sparse but the ones included are crisp and fit the vibe.
I will also touch on the technical aspects of this release. This game that lives in a Zip file does not set off my virus detectors, a great benchmark. It also seems to lack any discernable bugs, there is nary an error message to be seen, and it runs smooth. It also autosaves, so even if you force quit you don't lose progress. Nice!
Speaking of saving, I haven't beaten the game yet but I'll get back to it if a stroke of inspiration hits me for solving that level where you have to hit 3 green targets.
I'd recommend Follower 2 to any casual puzzle enjoyers, people who enjoy a touch of crypticness, and anyone who is interested in following (hehe) a game designer who is serious about their craft!
thank you so much and 1.1 is being developed right now too which changes the whole game with new levels mechanics customizable skins a new type of level and some real usage for the coins you collect along the way so make sure not to miss that when it drops :)